3 research outputs found

    Selecting methods for water resources in coastal area: Comparative study cases of Hong Kong and Jakarta

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    Environmental problems in coastal areas are related to water resources. This is due to the high demand as a result of population activities on the coast beside the water quality on the coast is less good than that onthe mainland. The objective of this study is to review and compare the selection of clean water supply methods and their alternatives, especially in Hong Kong and Jakarta, from a public policy point of view. Hong Kong has a variety of water supply methods. Currently, the ones that are still used are seawater toilet flushing and water imports from China. In policy formation, Hong Kong has not looked at it holistically or is still traditional. In Indonesia, water resources are the obligation of the state to meet the needs of its population in accordance with the 1 945 Constitution. Jakarta's coastal areas have not fully experienced access to piped water to date, so the Provincial Government has chosen the method of providing water according to public acceptance

    Multicriteria Decision Making in Sustainable Tourism and Low-Carbon Tourism Research: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) is increasingly being utilized as an analytical research tool for sectors that require decision-making with specific objectives and constraints, such as the tourism industry. Sustainable tourism, which examines the balance of numerous aspects, including stakeholders’ interests, is the critical feature propelling the increased usage of MCDM. This paper explores the use of Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods applied in studies of sustainable tourism and its derivative term, low-carbon tourism, using a systematic literature review (SLR) search from the Scopus database. The analysis has identified 189 relevant studies published between 1987 to April 2022. After selection, screening, and synthesizing processes, we selected 135 pertinent studies, which were analysed in general descriptive data, citation impacts, geographical categorization, categorization of the methodologies’ objectives, and possible trajectories of similar research in the future. We find that highly cited authors and articles are related to sustainable tourism indicators\u27 development and case studies. Furthermore, most relevant studies are concentrated in Asia and Europe rather than other regions. We also categorize the reviewed studies into six classifications depending on each method\u27s intended usage and further suggest four contexts for the studies’ future trajectory


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    Kegiatan eksploitasi dan eksplorasi migas seringkali menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan sekitar, salah satunya tumpahan minyak. Pencemaran lingkungan akibat tumpahan minyak dapat berasal dari kegiatan pelayaran, kegiatan pelabuhan, dan kegiatan usaha migas. PT XYZ Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang minyak dan gas bumi bertugas mengoperasikan FSRU (Floating Storage Regasification Unit) yang terletak di + 21km dari lepas pantai Labuhan Maringgai, Lampung Timur. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan operasional, FSRU melakukan bongkar muat BBM di tengah laut dengan metode STS (Ship to Ship). Proses bongkar muat di tengah laut cenderung meningkatkan risiko pipa pecah, pipa bocor, dan kecelakaan akibat kesalahan manusia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memitigasi penanganan tumpahan minyak untuk meminimalkan dampak lingkungan dengan memperkirakan prediksi rute tumpahan minyak berdasarkan variasi angin musim yang terjadi di sekitar wilayah operasional PT. XYZ. Hasil estimasi pemodelan menunjukkan arah pergerakan tumpahan minyak di Musim Timur didominasi ke arah barat, barat daya, dan barat laut serta berdampak ke area tambak, mangrove, dan permukiman di Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai. Pada musim lainnya, hasil menunjukkan arah pergerakan tumpahan minyak tidak mencapai daratan Sumatera dan di sepanjang garis Laut Jawa. Kedepannya, penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk merumuskan kebijakan strategis dalam menentukan rencana mitigasi tumpahan minyak dengan menentukan area prioritas dalam penanganan tumpahan minya